Insult Generator

use ?count=10 etc for multiple insults
use ?wordlist to get the wordlist
use ?stats to get the permutation count
use ?seed=x to set the RNG seed
use ?help to get the help
use ?subject=x to set the subject (currently trump,boris,farage,shakespeare,anyone or everyone)
use ?dan=1,2,4 etc for stronger insults. Binary mask 1-7
use ?includeanyone to add the anyone list to the other subjects or ?includeanyone=0 to suppress (defaults to on)
use ?showlinks to get some meaning hints for hose trickier words
use ?output to set either text, html or to get the generator to operate as a websvc
use ?morse for morse filter.
use ?rot13 for rot13 filter.
use ?dns for hostname filter.
use ?caps for caps filter.
use ?pac for pac filter (passive aggressive compliment).
use ?pig for pig latin filter.